DSP Server API

Since all TDT devices share the same connection with the computer, we can only talk to a single device at a time. Unfortunately, TDT’s hardware drivers do not handle the requisite concurrent access issues, meaning that only one program and/or process can safely use the hardware connection (e.g. the optical or USB interface) at a time even if each process communicates with a different device. If you have two separate programs (one for generating the stimulus and one for data acquisition), TDTPy can handle the requisite concurrency issues.

TDTPy provides a server that manges all communication with the TDT hardware, allowing multiple client processes to communicate safely with the hardware via the server. Client processes communicate with the server via network-aware proxies of the RPcoX, PA5 and zBUS drivers. The network-aware drivers will relay all method calls to the server and block until the server returns a response. This is certainly not the most efficient way to handle the system (e.g. if the server is busy handling a request from another process it may take longer to receive a response).

This server is also useful for people who wish to run their code on a separate computer (e.g. Linux or Mac OSX) while maintaining a Windows computer to run the DSP server.


This code definitely works, and is reasonably fast on a localhost connection. When I tested it via a client connecting using the wireless network there were some latency issues. There are likely many speedups that can be implemented, but I don’t have the time to do so right now.

Running the server

To launch the server, go to the host computer and run the following command:

c:\\> python -m tdt.dsp_server :3333

The string :3333 specifies which port the server listens on.

Code example

Running a client process is as simple as providing an address argument to DSPCircuit:

from tdt import DSPCircuit
address = ('localhost', 3333)
circuit = DSPCircuit('record_microphone.rcx', 'RZ6', address=address)


The circuit files must be stored on the client. The network proxy, RPcoXNET will handle transferring the circuit files to the server for you.

Converting existing code

Assuming your code uses win32com.client directly rather than using TDTPy’s abstraction layer, the following code:

from win32com.client import Dispatch
iface = Dispatch('RPco.X')
iface.ConnectRZ6('GB', 1)
zbus = Dispatch('ZBUSx')

can simply be converted to a network-aware version via:

from tdt.dsp_server import RPcoXNET, zBUSNET
host, port = 'localhost', 3333
iface = RPcoXNET(address=(host, port))
iface.ConnectRZ6('GB', 1)
zbus = zBUSNET(address=(host, port))

Even if you prefer not to use the TDTPy abstraction layer (e.g. DSPProject, DSPCircuit and DSPBuffer), I highly recommend using TDTPy to obtain a handle to the ActiveX drivers since we have patched the win32com connection to speed up certain calls to the ActiveX drivers. To rewrite the code above that utilizes the patched version of the ActiveX drivers using TDTPy:

from tdt.util import connect_rpcox, connect_zbus
iface = connect_rpcox('RZ6', address=('localhost', 3333))
zbus = connect_zbus(address=('localhost', 3333))

If you’re using the TDTPy abstraction layer, simply provide an address argument when initializing the DSPCircuit class:

from tdt import DSPCircuit
host, port = 'localhost', 3333
circuit = DSPCircuit('play_record.rcx', 'RZ6', address=(host, port))

Server implementation

The simplest way to handle concurrency was to create a remote procedure call (RPC) server. This RPC server will listen for connections from clients (either from the same computer or on a networked computer). Each client will initiate a persistent connection for the lifetime of the program and send requests via a TCP protocol. As these requests come in, the server will process them sequentially (thus handling concurrency issues).

A thread-based design for the server was considered; however, the bottleneck currently is in the optical interface I/O speed so it is unlikely that the additional hassle and overhead of threading will provide any significant performance gain.

The server is meant to be a relatively thin layer around the ActiveX device driver. Requests from clients are essentially passed directly to the ActiveX interface itself. To facilitate using this code we’ve created a network-aware proxy of the RPcoX client that passes off all RPcoX method calls directly to the RPC server. This allows you to use the server in your code without having to rewrite your code to use DSPProject or DSPCircuit.

The core client classes for communicating with the server are RPcoXNET, PA5NET and zBUSNET tha serve as a duck-typed proxy of the ActiveX drivers provided by TDT:

from tdt.dsp_server import RPcoXNET
client = RPcoXNET('localhost', 3333)
client.ConnectRZ5('GB', 1)

Currently all method calls are simply relayed to the server, so what’s really going on under the hood is that the call:

client.ConnectRZ5('GB', 1)

Is translated to:

client._send('RZ5', 'ConnectRZ5', ('GB', 1))
return client._recv()

Alternatively, the above can be achieved via:

from tdt.util import connect_rpcox
client = connect_rpcox('GB', 1, ('localhost', 3333))

The *.rcx files need to be stored on the client. They are uploaded to the server when the LoadCOF method is called.